Category - New Covers For Old

New Covers For Old: The Next Generation, Part XVIII

I hope I’m not boring you with these. Give credit where credit is due, after all.

Lotta lateral moves in this bunch. Oh, well.

New Covers For Old: The Next Generation, Part XVII

Some are improving. Some are flailing. You be the judge!

There you have it: Some good, some bad, some simply inexplicable. More tomorrow!

New Covers For Old: The Next Generation, Part XVI

Honestly, I hadn’t realized how many of these there were.

Are there more to come? You know it!

New Covers For Old: The Next Generation, Part XV

Should we take the willingness of so many bad cover publishers to try something new as a good sign? I think we should.

What always stuns me are those covers in which a whole bunch of stuff has been changed except for the part that was bad to begin with.

New Covers For Old: The Next Generation, Part XIV

Further revised covers on books that were previously featured on this site!

A few of these authors decided that the secret to “improving” their covers was to crank the badness up to 11. Sigh…