I hope I’m not boring you with these. Give credit where credit is due, after all.
- The Page: The Year of the Dragons (original here)
- Dream Reunion (original here)
- Dragon (original here)
- Gills (original here)
- Bad News From Outer Space (original here)
- Never Buy a Condo and Other Things I Have Learned from the Practice of Law (original here)
- The Voynich Deception (original here)
- Mind’s Eye (original here)
- The Shelf (original here)
- Charged (original here)
- The Lyon Trilogy (original here)
- Murder, Lies & Chocolate (original here)
- Snowed Inn (original here)
- The Bazaar (original here)
- Land of Demons: The Proto-Colonization of Ezochi, an Alternate Model of Japanese Expansion (original here)
- Snorts and Wobbles (original here)
- Call of the Wolf (original here)
- Twitter Super-Charged (original here)
- False Flags (original here)
- Over My Dead Body (original here)
Lotta lateral moves in this bunch. Oh, well.