Category - New Covers For Old

New Covers For Old: The Next Generation, Part XXIII

Keep going, indie publishers! You’ll hit on a good cover sooner or later!

There are a couple in this batch that have made themselves worse, not better. I’ll let you discover which ones.

New Covers For Old: The Next Generation, Part XXII

In case you’re wondering, “How long is Nathan going to keep this up?”…  I’ve decided to make it a full 30 days presenting revised covers.  There are more than that (it sometimes seems like an infinite number), but I’m going to save them for another series of posts sometime in the future.

There are a couple of truly impressive replacements here… but only a couple.

New Covers For Old: The Next Generation, Part XXI

More hits, more misfire, more tragic near-misses!

There’s at least one in here that is so much worse now…

New Covers For Old: The Next Generation, Part XX

It’s good to see people strive for excellence. Even if they sometimes haven’t got an idea of what excellence looks like.

More tomorrow!

New Covers For Old: The Next Generation, Part XIX

Presenting some people who’ve learned their lesson, and some who’ve learned… not as much as we’d hoped.

Well, there you have it. And then some.