Category - New Covers For Old

New Covers For Old: The Next Generation, Part VIII

There are enough of these revamped covers that I’m relearning my Roman numerals!

There are a couple of stunning improvements in here.  There are also a couple of head-shakers…

New Covers For Old: The Next Generation, Part VI

It’s good that so many indie authors realize that their covers need change — and that some of them are actually good. Some, though…

There’s at least one replacement cover here which is actually a downgrade from the one that was featured here originally. Sigh…

More on the way!

Never Covers For Old: The Next Generation, Part V

Another installment of covers that have been replaced or revised since they initially appeared on this site!

As before, some are now completely professional-looking; others would have landed themselves here, even in their revised state.

More coming!

New Covers For Old: The Next Generation, Part IV

Another batch of books that have revised or swapped their covers since first being featured here!

Isn’t this just too much fun? More tomorrow!

New Covers For Old: The Next Generation, Part III

Here you are, yet more books which have swapped out their covers since being featured on this site!

Especially in this batch, you can see that the new covers run the gamut from startlingly professional output (startling in comparison to the originals, anyway) to, at best, lateral moves. Most bewildering of all are those covers which desperately change everything except the bad part — it’s like rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

More tomorrow!