Feral Planet


Feral Planet

Breakdancing contest in 4… 3… 2…

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L-Plate Pen
L-Plate Pen
7 years ago

Because female space crew look SOOOO much more badass when they get their boobs out… *sigh, rolleyes*

Also… nice sporran, Mr Alien-dude!

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
7 years ago
Reply to  L-Plate Pen

Tactics. She distracts the enemy so the others can out-flank the enemy unobserved.

7 years ago
Reply to  Naaman Brown

The green guy and the blond woman seem pretty distracted by her assets as well.

7 years ago
Reply to  L-Plate Pen

Everybody but Captain Ivegotagun is giving her the sideye. Even the tiger.

Take Cover
Take Cover
7 years ago

Which one’s Colonel Laundry?

7 years ago
Reply to  Take Cover

The brown-haired guy, if the book description is to be believed. He looks like a total wuss, though; so much for the he-man manly man revival of the “golden age” of space opera that this book claims to be.

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
7 years ago
Reply to  AJ

But he does a great job with the laundry, those white uniforms are barracks inspection clean.

7 years ago

At least the tiger has the decency to look embarrassed about this whole thing.

7 years ago
Reply to  Kathrite

“Man, six months ago I was the spokestiger for that movie company’s logo in films, and now my lousy f*&^%$# agent is getting me s*** jobs like this one.”

7 years ago

Thank God the alien has a loincloth.

7 years ago

Ooh boy, this book’s reviews are packed full of five-stars from the author’s friends and family. The author’s commented on the one-stars calling them “unprofessional” and “abusive”. We’re in for some drama if he finds this post.

7 years ago

I swear that the woman on the left side of the cover is traced from something that I’ve seen, but I can’t place it. Comic book or maybe one of those “create your own super hero” programs. She’s the only one who looks drawn kind of right.

7 years ago

Nathan, I think you need a new tag: “Suddenly bosoms.”

(Said in that peevish way that only Terry-Thomas can achieve, of course.)

James F. Brown
James F. Brown
7 years ago

Is this some cheap, demented takeoff on Guardians of the Galaxy?

Annie Moose
Annie Moose
7 years ago

Because when I explore an unknown, probably hostile alien planet, the first thing I wanna do is flounce around with bare skin.

7 years ago

If in doubt… tits out!