Dictator’s Nightmare


Dictator’s Nightmare

And yes, “Kayvan” is the byline.

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8 years ago

Is the Pictator’s nightmare about a premature eruption?

john e. . .
8 years ago
Reply to  WarGoat

Mine usually are.


8 years ago
Reply to  WarGoat

Pictator is obviously someone who’s excellent at Pictinary. I assume a nightmare for him would be that no-one could guess what he drew. For this cover. Which I can’t. I guess I lose the game.

8 years ago
Reply to  Catie

Is “A Novel Kayvan” a new niche? Like, you know, “Fiction–>romantic fiction->Heterosexual romance–>Boy meets Dog?”

Just wondering.

I’m shocked nobody is bemoaning the badly beaten Bleeding Cowboys. These seem to be weeping, as well.

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
8 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

Nope. Not “A Novel Kayvan” genre.

The Amazon listing is:
Dictator’s Nightmare (Eruption Book 1) Kindle Edition
by Cyrus Kayvan

Your imagination (as usual) is more interesting than the actual presentation. It’s just a typical lousy book cover, words conveying misdirection.

8 years ago
Reply to  Naaman Brown

Your imagination (as usual) is more interesting than the actual presentation.

Thank you, but, after all..the bar is so low, it’s hard not to be more interesting! Hell, listening to paint dry would be endlessly more fascinating than this cover.

8 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

Yeah, that little *crck*crck*crck* noise as it sets up is kind of fascinating… unlike this cover.

8 years ago
Reply to  RK

Anybody else notice that lately, we all seem to be going gaga? I mean…it’s as though each new successive cover is like…

Niagra Falls. Slowly I turn. Step by Step, inch by inch…

Will Overby
Will Overby
8 years ago

I think the real nightmare is the use of Bleeding Cowboy.

8 years ago
Reply to  Will Overby

AND, there it is. 😉