Is It Me? Or Is It the Wine? Confessions of a 30 Yr Old SWF
“The best time to kill me would have been five minutes ago, but now is good too.”
Is It Me? Or Is It the Wine? Confessions of a 30 Yr Old SWF
“The best time to kill me would have been five minutes ago, but now is good too.”
Fun fact: On the Amazon page, ‘Netanis Lopez’ and ‘aka “we be tina”‘ are listed as separate authors.
Keep em Clickin: The Story of Clickin
With a mouse. You know, in case you didn’t understand what might be “clickin.”
I really should have curated these better than to have them show up in the week after the election, but…
One Parent’s Story, Struggle ”Teenagers” What Was I Thinking!
It seems that the quality of thought has not improved.