BLURB: Tales of the Peacemaker: Return of the Immortals

The story comes in around the same time book 9 ends. It goes from there, listing events as one immortal experiences them and her thoughts on such. It tells how she gets more promotions past where book 9 stops listing them. The story does not focus so much on the promotions as book 9 was. It is longer than book 9 but much shorter than book 8.

Is anyone enticed by this to seek out the rest of the series?

The Lousies Quarterly Semifinals: September 2024!

Each year, the Lousies Awards “honor” the worst covers posted on this site for the calendar year. Help us narrow them down!

These are the most commented covers posted in the month of September 2024.

Pick your choices for the worst three covers for the month, and at the end of the year we’ll have a series of finals.