Category - Blurbs


This book common mistakes in marriage and how to avoid them, 101 marriage mistakes serves as an eye opener to married and intending couples to see mistakes that can ruin marriages.
Angela Spear is the author of this book. She is an experienced relationship and sex therapist based in United States. She is also a TV hostess.
This book can be a gift to your love ones, it is expected to be part of every family’s library, trust you can make that happened.
From this book, mistakes identified will help you to avoid them in order to make home an envious of many.
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Even just 37 pages of this kind of prose…

BLURB: From the Shadows Volume 1

ohn G. Short is a young, deputy sheriff who lives in rural Ohio. One night the deputy is sent down a long, winding road deep in the woods. When he arrives he finds a terrified family who believes they’ve had an encounter with a “monster” in the woods. The unknown creature is something that will shake him to his core. Asking questions to the family and learning that they heard a loud growl; he seems to not be able to find answers. It seems it’s hidden. Twenty years later, John meets a beautiful and mysterious woman named, Christina Crawford. She is at this penitentary monster book signing event and meets John who is also there doing a book signing . When the event ended, John put away his things outside in his car. Being startled, Christina is standing behind him and while gently grabbing his arm, as if coaxing him to go somewhere with her, she invites him to come back inside the Pleasant Hill Penitentary. She leads him to a cell block with a metal door. What is behind this door introduces John to a terrifying expedition that will leave the readers of the book on the path of fear and evil.

That’s right, the description cuts off the first letter.

BLURB: Syruptown

His goal is to fall in love, but along the way, he starts cults, becomes a rapper, a true outdoorsman, a leader, a hero of his own time. How do I know all of this? I am the author, Grant H. Fishtruck, and I channel the experiences of this young man, alien, in my dreams. But, what is more important, the dream, or the dreamer? If you want to enjoy this book, go with both at the same time.

What the what?

BLURB: Secret Tear

My promise to “Jesus” and understanding my message. I realize the Lord has allowed me to experience, endure and witness a great deal by protecting me all these years.

My message is to enlighten society by using my past as an example of belief, faith and wisdom. Greatness of good is a gift from God. Evil is a powerful force of nature.

Society will use the phrase, “It’s human nature” as an excuse for any wrong doings towards anyone who has an identity c

Yup, the description cuts off in mid-word.

BLURB: Whom Could We Tell? Who Would Believe Us?

Since this story takes place in North Dakota, and its locale is of great importance if this tale is worthy of acceptance, I feel it would be remiss of me if I didn’t reacquaint you with some pertinent facts about that state:

North Dakota is located in the north-central part of the United States; it’s bordered by Minnesota on the East; South Dakota in the South; Montana in the West, and the Canadian provinces of Manitoba and Saskatchewan in the North.

With that location in mind, it’s important to remember that there are only 640,000 people living in that entire prodigious state, and that there are fewer than 100,000 inhabitants residing in its largest city, Fargo.

To give you an idea of the significance of that information, please keep this in mind: North Dakota, which occupies 68,975 square miles of land in our country, is thirteen times larger than Connecticut, which only has 4,845 square miles of land, yet that diminutive state has more than five times as many residents. That should tell you how sparsely populated North Dakota is. In fact, as they say in that state and not necessarily in jest: “You have to walk a hundred miles if you want to have a word with your next door neighbor.”

I mention that fact because if North Dakota wasn’t as sparsely populated as it is, I don’t believe that the unearthly circumstances that occurred there could have taken place.

And that’s the whole description — nothing about the story or even the genre, just “ya gotta realize how empty North Dakota is.”