Category - Blurbs

BLURB: Aurorastar Sparkles

Aurorastar Sparkles, the young colourful sparkle bird stretched, yawned more than she really needed to and then coughed three times to clear her throat and when she was ready she said, ‘…….’ nothing because it was nothing that came out, so she tried again, and again and still nothing came out.
‘My goodness,’ she said, ‘now what will I do because all colourful sparkle birds are supposed to be able to say twisty-two first thing in the morning, aren’t they?’
‘Aren’t they?’ she repeated but there wasn’t anyone there to answer her question and there should have been so, where were they?

Leave the reader with a question. Don’t leave the reader questioning your sanity.

BLURB: Astronomy vs. History (History: Fiction or Science?)

All solar, lunar eclipses mentioned in chronicles presumed to be written before the XVI century could not and did not take place at the very time and exact location reported to us by the ancient authors thereof, who did like so much to stress the importance of the event with some phenomena in the sky. Either the authors lied or were wrong, or both. Verdict: either the events took place some other time and some other place or there was nothing spectacular in the sky at that very moment. Voilà tout! “Astronomy vs History” crowns scores of years of meticulous and extensive research performed by the eminent mathematician Anatoly Fomenko and his colleagues. This research started actually as an anecdotical byproduct of Russian-American competition in Moon exploration when famous NASA scientist Robert Newton discovered a very strange phenomenon in lunar mechanics. The alternatives offered to classical history are stunning, unorthodox to the extent of being labeled at first sight heretical by virtually every scholar of history. The author hopes that historians will use the toolbox of his methods of analyzing the historical data in pursuit of correcting the numerous in-veracities of the traditional version of history. The author dissects every historical age and analyzed the data from every source imaginable – Greek and Egyptian chronology take a good beating, and it goes rapidly downhill from there. Ticho Brahe, Ptolemy, and Copernicus take the blame for creating the legend of a mythical Classical age that never was and misdating medieval events by hundreds and thousands of years as very ancient ones. In “Astronomy vs. History” we are reminded of the crucial role of eclipses in verifying the dating of major historical events, of stone Zodiacs containing the true dates of such events. Our perception of history begins to change dramatically even before we’re through with “Astronomy vs. History”. On one hand, Dr. Fomenko et al call everybody, historians including, to apply Occam’s razor of exact sciences toolbox to world history. On the other, the scientists Dr. Fomenko et al are ready to recognize their alleged mistakes of New Chronology theory, to repent and to retract if and only if: – radiocarbon dating methods or dendrochronology pass the clear anonymous ‘black box’ tests; – astronomic data refute their results on solar eclipses; – it is proven irrefutably that Robert Newton (NASA astrophysicist) was wrong to call ‘ancient’ Ptolemy the greatest con man in history in his book ‘Crime of Claudius Ptolemy’ ; The radiocarbon dating labs run their very costly tests only if is the sample to be dated is accompanied with an idea of age pronounced by historians on basis of…subjective..mmm…gutfeeling and the history books they have been writing for the last 400 years. Radiocarbon labs happily bill for their fiddling and fine-tuning with C14 hardware to get the dates ‘to order’ of historians. Circulus Vicious is perfect. Connect the dots! See PS : Prescient Saint Augustine warned: ‘be wary of mathematicians, particularly when they speak the truth!’. Dr Anatoly Fomenko is a Full Member (Academician) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Full Member of the International Higher Education Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Head of the Moscow State University Department of Mathematics and Mechanics. Solved the classical Plateau’s Problem from the theory of minimal spectral surfaces.

Between the translator and the editor, there’s really little blame left for the author.

BLURB: The Luciferian Doctrine/ My female Slave

You #Enslave or are-Enslaved/

_.@Cause a #female: .to-have #n0-Control over #her+Mind & body
.be+_Able to #Control-her #remotely
via the-#Use:
.of #your-Mind[#reality/ .View-#brochure at the-bottom of
this #Document

That pretty much says it all.

BLURBS: The Most Important Knowledge You Would Ever Read Implement and Live up to Forever – KNOWLEDGE AND LIFE SKILLS E-Book

The book features nearly all unknown secrets. Cracks in 100% nearly all topics are important for anyone, 100% Health cracked, 100% Universal Laws. Describes the Biblical Law of Jesus Christ which operates in this reality and leads to receiving everything that you want IN YOUR LIFE if it is followed, 100%. Seduction cracked (partnerships, how to seduce a woman successfully, how YOU can get a woman). 100% cracks stock market, business, communications, describes Illuminati thread and many more… It’s unbelievable. I’ve never seen anything LIKE IT. Check it for yourself./ PROTECT THIS

Seems legit.

BLURB: A Pac-Man Perspective on Organisational Change

Living theory is a way of making use of personal accounts of experienced practice. As the Pac-Man perspective on organisational change helps the change agent articulate the personal values he is committed to and how these values may be resisted in practice, living theory is useful for developing knowledge that has a practical impact on self-improvement and social change, but it is also a type of theory that is difficult to publish in academic outlets. As a consequence of this, publishing Pac-Man living-theory research becomes a Pac-Man game in itself, with the journal editors as one of the four adversary gatekeepers, but it is a rewarding game for those who want to contribute both theoretically and practically on how to make the world a better place.

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