Category - Blurbs

BLURB: The Road King Chronicles: South Dakota Dead

On the phone Hugh had said, “I’ve got something you have to see to believe. Get yourself out here.”

One year after retiring as a Master Sergeant in the 75th Rangers, this was Roman Keane’s idea of the perfect way to spend his time: jump on a motorcycle and ride from Georgia to South Dakota to see his old friend, Hugh Early. Hugh had once been Roman’s sniper instructor and was now an internationally respected historian of military arms.

Historians, of all people, should know that the past you thought was dead and gone has a way of rising up to finish what it started.

So, they still didn’t manage to tell us what the story is about.

BLURB: Lovecraft: Disturbing the Universe

Howard Phillips Lovecraft (1890–1937) has been described variously as the successor to Edgar Allan Poe, a master of the Gothic horror tale, and one of the father of modern supernatural fantasy fiction. Published originally in pulp magazines, his works hav

That’s it. That’s where the description cuts off. It’s like it was written by a Lovecraftian protagonist itself.



“From”? Well, let’s look at the description:

After many long years of life. Josh had finally passed away in his sleep. However, Josh had left something behind. In his dresser was a collection of books seemingly written by him. These books collectively changed the world and all we knew about it.

The following is the contents of the first book.

Note from the author: it is suggested that you get the audiobook version of this book. Only get this should you want to read along or for any other reason. This book does contain spelling errors and mistakes as it’s only used for the author to read for the audiobook. It is of firm belief that the audiobook will have the best reader experience. Thank you for you time!


BLURB: Don’t Call Me Jupiter — Book One “Tightrope”: Memoir of a Reluctant Hippie Kid

The story begins with an episode that occurred in 1974. When Tom Bross (age 12) experiences a sudden move from Davis to San Anselmo to live with their God Family. Just two months later they move back to Davis with no place to live. His brother and sisters are dropped off at their friend’s houses. Tom ends up in the garage of one of his mother’s ex-lovers. It’s from this dreary location that he recalls his family’s truly strange transition.

I haven’t looked inside to see if the random bolding is there, too.