Author - Nathan

BLURB: Genre Friction: A short fiction collection

Here’s my contention: that it is in middle school or junior high when youth develop reading tastes for specific kinds of stories, often known as genre. Young children learn to read, hopefully by 3rd grade. Soon after, they develop a love of reading itself. They know how to decode words, follow sentences, and make sense of a plot, but it is also in these late elementary school years they develop an appreciation for story. Then, comes a chicken and egg thing. Does the literature itself start to divide into genre, or is it kids that start to look for genre fiction and then the literature follows? No matter, but it is safe to say, young teens know not just that they like to read by 6th grade but also the specific reading interests with certain conventions, described as genre, which begin in their teen reading years and perhaps last into their adult life.

There’s more, but I assume you’ve already stopped reading.

New Covers For Old 2025: Day VIII

I suppose we ought to celebrate the incremental improvements, even when the improved covers would still be candidates for this site…

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BLURB: Cat Tales: Da Real Pussy

Cat Tales: Da Real Pussy a journey that seem- by chance. But. I have come to realize that nothing is by chance. Cat Tales: Da Real Pussy to me that the spirit of a supreme being exist in all things living and can he shared when life parallel ‘s in one accord or a relative adventure transpires simultaneous in union with this supreme being. Cat Tales: Da Real Pussy reveals this reality through a special love that shows profoundness of this harmonious, co-existence with the supreme one. Cat Tales: Da Real Pussy also supports the concept that cats are creatures of myth and mystery. Those cats are affectionate, psychic. sociable and have variable personalities and attitudes and their behavior ranges from aloof, bright, courageous, lovable and beastly to downright bizarre. Possessing great dignity, pride and a lot of irony in their nature.

I suppose if you want to pay $12.99 for “a special love that shows profoundness of this harmonious, co-existence with the supreme one”…