Time’s Hostage


Time’s Hostage

“Time travel bores me.”

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Nicola Cuti
7 years ago

Ever since I first read H.G.Wells'”The Time Machine” I have been fascinated by time travel stories. I rendered a series of 10 illustrations for the novel, which is on the internet under my name and one day I hope to write a time travel story worthy of Wells’ classic. This is a fine cover, my only problem with it is that it doesn’t immediately say “time travel”. Otherwise, it’s good. In answer to the asinine comment: “Time travel bores me” is like. who cares? There are genres which bore me and I just stay clear of them. I don’t make stupid comments about them.

7 years ago

Subtitle: “Swing back to the 1980’s, when this dress was still fashionable.”

I’m afraid, Nicola, that I too think that this cover is to visual impact what cacophony is to an orchestra. I mean…a plumpish woman, in an ’80’s wrap-dress, plus some type of rainbow-y something, plus the Swastika hidden behind her ‘do, AND, palm trees. What? What’s that mean? I get NO vibe of any kind from this, other than: what?
