Unto Us a Child is Born: Harmony of the Gospels, Book One of Six: New Testament Series Volume 1
Hey, if Mary wants to get in the middle of the title (and subtitle, and subsubtitle), are YOU gonna tell her she can’t? (h/t john)
Unto Us a Child is Born: Harmony of the Gospels, Book One of Six: New Testament Series Volume 1
Hey, if Mary wants to get in the middle of the title (and subtitle, and subsubtitle), are YOU gonna tell her she can’t? (h/t john)
Hover donkey! I want one of those!
That donkey is clearly…
That donkey is clearly the true miracle here!
We should have been prepared, right? Cripes!
On a less-wordplay note: So, Old Jo there is stepping up to the path…which seems to be on clouds? And from there, the HoverDonkey is floating about the path? Carrying old knocked-up Mary? Dudes, donkeys are tolerant of a lot, really; they carry grown humans, even though they are small but mighty. But a big preggers human? Using his Hover power? Even the mightiest Jackass would cave in under that load. They should have titled this one The Jackass Miracle.
I hear that they have a problem with exploding batteries.
Yeah, but before they blow, they do a GREAT job of vacuuming out the stables! I saw a really cool Youtube video of a cute kitten riding on a HoverDonkey, while it vacuumed away. Squeee!, for the cute factor!
Mary has some serious Popeye arms.
Bothe the holy couple. I am tempted to photoshop an anchor on Joseph’s left arm.
Positive reinforcement: Title on cover matches title on Amazon page.
Buff Mary is not impressed.