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10 years ago

A naked woman draped over a guitar, from which projects an arm trying to pull down a shirtless guy’s jeans? You didn’t give this one a WTF tag why, exactly?

You certainly are getting a lot of mileage out of Gayle Eden, aren’t you?

10 years ago
Reply to  jic

When you excel at being incompetent, well, credit is due!

10 years ago
Reply to  Kris

You know, this image is so weird that my mind couldn’t take it all in on the first viewing. I just noticed that Guitar Woman’s left arm is at least twice as long as it should be, and has a man’s hand poking out of a sleeve apparently formed from her skin. That, and the fact her guitar is a twelve-string, which for some reason makes the whole thing seem even stranger.

10 years ago

So this guy’s left arm is attached at his waist instead of his shoulder. Okee-doke. Nothing weird about that.

10 years ago

Wow, this cover is a cool mixture of influences from Salvadore Dali and M. C. Escher. Too bad they ran out of ideas and stuck the headless torsoman in it.

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
10 years ago

Giant headless torso caressed by arm growing out of a guitar body with blond nude miniature female draped around guitar neck. And what happened to the skin off her hand?

Is this the result of a solar flare garbling a band during teletransport between a entertainment station and a space ship? If this were the “Rogue Moon” style matter transmitter, the implications would be that the original trio at the sending end would telepathically experience the sensations of the merged trio on the receiving end.

10 years ago

I am not convinced that the guitar arm fiasco of a thing is even a lady’s hand/arm/taur.

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
10 years ago
Reply to  Waffles

Click on the cover jpg, ctrl+. I am not sure it’s even a human arm. I am getting transdimensional alien-hybrid vibes off these Gayle Eden covers (Rock My World, Sons of Angel Legend). What if a behind-the-scenes of the cover photo shoot revealed models from the corners of the galaxy where Euclidean geometry is considered quaint?