Shadows’ Sorrow (Morovian Destiny Book 1)

Shadows’ Sorrow (Morovian Destiny Book 1)

Fulfilling all of your emo goth needs.

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6 years ago

If that guy on the cover is older than 18 (assuming he’s the author and/or cover artist), he deserves a nice slap across the face… this is so edgy and forced, it hurts. This is shit I used to see back in high school as a freshman.

6 years ago

Author’s name is “Galadriel” so I’m guessing a woman (Amazon page seems to confirm this). I suspect the poor guy on the cover is just a stock photo model, and I actually commend him for having an expression on his face that suggests something other than, “I’m just standing here until I get paid.”

6 years ago

Even the freaking horse is too embarrassed to show his face–and if the author’s parents named her Galadriel–which I seriously doubt–then it’s a pretty pretentious penname to grab. (Oh, yeah, I’m an elven Goddess…sigh).