Army of the White Horse May 1, 2014NathanCovers14 Comments Army of the White Horse Splashdown in 3… 2… 1… cut and paste image search gone wrong Previous postAncestral Realms: The Whale Whisperers Saga Next postSeasons
Did he misspell “House”?
50/50 chance either way.
I’m already looking forward to the sequel: Army of the Trojan House.
I just spit diet Coke! 😀
It’s always so much more effective to mix photographs with B&W art to create a realistic image.
Especially when you have very crappy cut & paste skills.
. . . and Nathan – the link is busted.
It must have been taken down since I originally queued this post.
Here you go:
fixed that for you
Replaced. Thanks.
Looks like McGruff the Crime Dog has taken a bite outta crime – and the model’s lower half.
Are my eyes tired or does the tough guy have implants?
Must be a vampire on the motorcycle since the bike and the rider cast no reflection onto the water below.
A vampire motorcycle? Now that is a story!
I’m loving the way the artwork is – um… completely relevant to the title?