You warned us.
I thought I was ready to handle more.
I was not.
I already relent!
Naaman Brown
10 years ago
Ah, the saga continues! More from the Divided Worlds series about mother and daughter Moira and Lorilee Noonan on Earth and in Akrasia!! Be still my soaring spirit!!!
For fans who want a checklist:
Book 1: Moira: Abduction to Akrasia
Book 2: Moira: Flight from Akrasia
Book 3: Moira: A Girl and Her Dragon
_______ 6 Jan 2015
Book 4: Lorilee: In Moira’s Footsteps
Book 5: Lorilee: Dreaming of Akrasia
_______ 17 Sep 2014
Book 6: Lorilee: Flight to Zorzen
_______ 6 Jan 2015
Cartoon Moira and her granite dragon take a holiday. Please, Larry, let them take a holiday…
Pretty certain arms don’t go quite like that. She appears to have dislocated something vital to its structure. That or the dragon’s growing human arm out of its neck.
And how very stylish, her eyes match her shirt. That’ll be all the rage this spring. No.
You warned us.
I thought I was ready to handle more.
I was not.
I already relent!
Ah, the saga continues! More from the Divided Worlds series about mother and daughter Moira and Lorilee Noonan on Earth and in Akrasia!! Be still my soaring spirit!!!
For fans who want a checklist:
Book 1: Moira: Abduction to Akrasia
Book 2: Moira: Flight from Akrasia
Book 3: Moira: A Girl and Her Dragon
_______ 6 Jan 2015
Book 4: Lorilee: In Moira’s Footsteps
Book 5: Lorilee: Dreaming of Akrasia
_______ 17 Sep 2014
Book 6: Lorilee: Flight to Zorzen
_______ 6 Jan 2015
Cartoon Moira and her granite dragon take a holiday. Please, Larry, let them take a holiday…
Pretty certain arms don’t go quite like that. She appears to have dislocated something vital to its structure. That or the dragon’s growing human arm out of its neck.
And how very stylish, her eyes match her shirt. That’ll be all the rage this spring. No.
Where’s the tattoo?
(as Clara Peller might ask)
She played with fire, kicked a hornet’s nest, and when the tattoo was removed it dislocated her arm and made it blurry.
I see two dragons on the cover.