Now You’ve Done It! March 19, 2014NathanCovers8 Comments Now You’ve Done It! And unless “it” is shrinkwrapping your co-worker’s cubicle, you’ve done it wrong. (h/t Dave) filteriffic instamatic Previous postJericho Next postThe 13th Cycle
Don’t you hate it when you forget to use a hanky when you sneeze?
Oh that poor bamboo plant. It got shrink wrapped far too soon. May it rest in peace along with this cover and its book, destined to be dead last in the Amazon ranking.
” destined to be dead last in the Amazon ranking.”
Dead last… now that’s a really fierce competition, eh? 😉 Lots of entrants, too!
Is that a silver plated turd next to that sorry looking plant?
The author’s a graphic designer and an award-winning photographer who says:
“I have a degree in graphic design and own professional Photoshop. I design my own covers. ”
Her other covers are entirely serviceable, so I’ve no idea how she managed to make such a godawful dog’s breakfast out of this one.
“I own professional Photoshop.”
What does that even mean? Are we talking about owning a software package? Well, I own Acrobat Pro, I must be a professional Acrobat.
Why isn’t “it” capitalized?
Wow! PhotoShop filters are sooooo cool. Check out what this one does…