830 Westview Drive February 24, 2014NathanCovers9 Comments 830 Westview Drive From the presence of a sleeve, I can only assume that that’s a hand on the right… art for a refrigerator Previous postThe Pantheon Gate Next postSundust
GROSS!!! It looks like a duck’s bill. Too bad there aren’t any photos of men holding hands. Wait… That’s a woman’s pocket on the blue jacket. What is supposed to be happening here?
LOL. Quack. Quack. Quack.
What’s up with the hand? Arthritis?
Hands are hard. So apparently are hooves and trotters.
That weird. I can’t stop looking at that hand-thing. Plus the rest of the cover is boring and was probably done in colored pencil.
Duck hands are the new duck lips.
I swear I saw “Spam” when I first saw the author’s name…
Beware the blue-sleeved spitting cobra. His urban camouflage is unmatched in the animal kingdom.
Beware the howler leech hand, it will suck out your soul!