Roommates in New York


Roommates in New York

One of these things is not like the others…

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10 years ago

Is that…is that torsos rising from a trash heap?

James F. Brown
James F. Brown
10 years ago

“Friends” comes to Gotham?

john e. . .
10 years ago

Friends was set in NYC (should I be embarrassed to know that?)

I was thinking this might be Sex in the City, the Boring Years – Before Chandler invented Sarcasm.

James F. Brown
James F. Brown
10 years ago
Reply to  john e. . .

I guess I’ve outed myself as someone who never watched Friends. Or Seinfeld. Or pretty much any TV sitcom.

FWIW, I quit watching network TV over 25 years ago. “Nothing to see here, folks. Move along.”

10 years ago

The bottom looks like a plowed field fresh with manure. SO like NYC. Or not.

James F. Brown
James F. Brown
10 years ago
Reply to  Kris

Those damn New Yorkers who don’t scoop after their dog poops! The ones with St. Bernards are the worst.

(Yeah, walking around Manhattan can be a real obstacle course!)