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8 years ago

The font is almost good. The art is almost good (well, a bit more than ‘almost’, but it’s not the worst fridge art I’ve seen–although from this perspective, the artwork would need to be brilliant to look good, humans always look awkward at this size). The whole cover is almost good, but still not good enough to be passable. But at least it feels like someone actually gave a damn, which is not often the case with covers that end up here.

8 years ago
Reply to  Catie

Yeah, I was thinking the most decent thing about this cover is the title’s font.

8 years ago

It didn’t turn out exactly as I had hoped, but, that happens sometimes. I like to give illustrators a little free rein, rather than try to extract my exact vision from them. Sometimes you end up with something better than expected, sometimes not. It’s all part of the game. As someone here already said, at least we care.