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8 years ago

Agreed, Jesus does deserve better. If that black thing against the hill is supposed to be the tomb, then I guess the gray-and-black splotchy thing is supposed to be the rock that once covered it. All that looks more like a Lego kitty peeking over a sand dune.

And black text on dark red? Ugh

Positives: nicely colorful sky and you did remember to make a shadow for the cross that goes in the right direction. (sigh)

8 years ago
Reply to  EricL

Ah, so that’s what the dark brown thing is supposed to be.

8 years ago

I don’t see a tomb. Maybe a castle? Or the lego kitty Ericl mentioned.

john e. . .
8 years ago

Is anyone going to mention the arrow?

The floppy arrow?

Because I see an arrow. I’m not a very good Christian – I was raised Catholic after all, so I may be wrong, but I don’t remember nothing about no arrow.

I do remember a spear and some nails, but no arrow. Especially not a floppy arrow.