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8 years ago

I’d say it’s more departure from the norm than folly.

8 years ago

All the animals are female, and all the females are animals?

8 years ago
Reply to  Lydia

I’m guessing the human dude is a stand-in for the author.


8 years ago

I am a bit grossed out. I’m also confused as to why the Fox-creature would be the typical sort of were-animal and the two others, the felines (a leopard and a tiger) would be…centaur-like. Fetaurs? Feltaurs? WT…this one sort of boggles me. Plus, the tiger is wwwwweeeeeeeeeee small, given that tigers usually aren’t (400-600lbs, give or take).

Anyone else envisioning the mating difficulties, if the male human is involved with the Feltaurs? Hope he doesn’t mind performing his work far away from the head, neck, etc. (And…sorry, but I gotta ask–does this mean that their “torsos”–the part on the other side of the cat foreleg, has rows of boobs/nipples?)

Yup. I’m definitely grossed out, just thinking about it. And I thought all those “mating with dragons” books were bad. Sheesh.

8 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

P.S.: nearly forgot: the font SUCKS, publisher!

Departure from the norm, indeed.

8 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

I’d say two sets of boobs, one human-like where they usually are in humans, and the other cat-like where they usually are on a cat. Guys, would that make her hot? Multiple boob pairs? I bet it sounds awesome on paper.

8 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

I hate that I know the answer to this, but those are “chakats”, which are a popular imaginary species in the furry community. They have both sets of genitals and all the trimmings, and do NOT google with safe search off if you value your sanity. XD

8 years ago
Reply to  Viergacht

Thanks for the info…and the warning. I think I’ve seen a fair amount of furry stuff (not as an enthusiast, just as a person on the weirdness of the internet) but the confusing, multi-limbed tiger thing is new to me.

8 years ago
Reply to  Viergacht

Viergacht: I refuse to ask you why you know the answer to this.
OK…I lied. Why DO you know this? And…BOTH sets of genitals? WHERE? Do you mean, like…girl parts between the Chakat’s forelegs (the presumption being, that’s the bottom of the “girl’s” torso?), and the cat bits beneath the tail?

Oh, man. I never thought that hanging at LBC would gross me out this much. Got those lovely scent sacs, too?


8 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

Maybe you should do that google search with safe search off ;). Just make sure you have some brain bleach standing by.

8 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

OK, I did it for you and trust me, you don’t want to know. When Viergacht said they had both sets of genitals, he didn’t mean what you think he meant. Let’s just say there’s a reason why all of them have breasts.

8 years ago

Sorry to say I’ve seen multiple-boob bras in some very odd illustrations and I wish I hadn’t.

8 years ago

How many limbs does the tiger-babe have? She’s standing on her hind legs, typing with her front legs, and pointing with another appendage.

8 years ago

If they’re furry animals, why do they have human hair atop their heads? Wigs?

8 years ago


Dudley Do-Right does it better.

john e. . .
8 years ago

Before everyone wandered into the gutter-land of what parts are where (Thanks for the images, Hitch!) I truly despised this cover. I still despise it, but for different reasons.

It’s long been a dream of mine to publish an e-book for the sole purpose of making the most horrible cover ever to grace this site. If it didn’t show up here within 15 minutes of being published I would have submitted it directly to Nathan just for the giggles.

And then I spy this. This vomit in digital form.

After surviving the first visual assault this cover provides, I felt complete despair. Someone had done it. Someone had taken every horrible piece of LBC knowledge and created the Worst. Cover. Ever.

Now what kind of goals am I supposed to have?

8 years ago
Reply to  john e. . .

This is your worst cover ever? It’s not even in my top 20. The one with the paper towel scored pretty high among the recent ones.