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11 years ago

I thought it said “Che Gemons Jib” ~ anyone else?

Take Cover
Take Cover
11 years ago
Reply to  Kris

I thought it was something to do with Lemons. So it’s many Demons then, and they all fib? Or is the cover missing an apostrophe?

Also, it took me forever to see the wolf — but now that I see it, there also seems to be a rather grumpy white anteater who looks like he’s had enough of being on this cover and is now wandering off toward the right.

11 years ago
Reply to  Take Cover

‘The demons fib’? Is there a punctuation deficit or this just a statement about demons in general used as a title, much the same as The Bears Sh1t in the Woods?

11 years ago
Reply to  Axolotl

Looking at the reviews, I’m inclined to think it’s a punctuation error. Also: “Keisha Keenleyside was born in 1991 and hasn’t died yet.” Isn’t this bio kind of a rip off of Terry Pratchett’s usual bio? “Terry Pratchett was born in 1948 and is still not dead.” If I were Keisha Keenleyside, I think I would look into hiring a solicitor specialising in intellectual property in addition to a proofreader and a cover designer.

11 years ago

Ah, there’s that pesky wolf!

11 years ago

Where the FCK is the wolf?!!

john harvey
11 years ago
Reply to  Jen

Are you being a smartass, Jen? I would be shocked! Shocked!

AND, I think the title is actually Demons Lib. The newest political movement promoting the idea that demons be recognized as vital contributors to our society, and deserve equal treatment already accorded to werewolves, vampires, anteaters, and, of course headless torsos.