Roberta E. Howard. … Who’s next, Hollie Phillis Lovecraft, Charlene Ashley Smith?
8 years ago
Like the art, but what does it have to do with worms? Unless this is poetry or literary? In that case, the text is hard to read, a funky color (not in a good way) and too high on the page. Plus, the author’s name looks stupid the way it’s positioned. If you’re trying to hide her breasts there must be a better way.
Roberta E. Howard. … Who’s next, Hollie Phillis Lovecraft, Charlene Ashley Smith?
Like the art, but what does it have to do with worms? Unless this is poetry or literary? In that case, the text is hard to read, a funky color (not in a good way) and too high on the page. Plus, the author’s name looks stupid the way it’s positioned. If you’re trying to hide her breasts there must be a better way.
That may be what the worms are for. It would be kind of like Medusa.
Not that there’s anything wrong with—
Wait, scratch that; of course there’s something wrong with that! Like, so very, very, very much wrong with that.
I mean, “reburying” earthworms, girl? Seriously!?
That author name is committing a major party foul.
No seriously, what the heck is wrong with that woman’s body – particularly in relation to her head?