The Lost Colonial War October 28, 2013NathanCovers6 Comments The Lost Colonial War Okay, but what if octopuses DID propagate by parachute? Awesome! font boredom pixelation random imagery Previous postFound in Prague Next postDial M For Mudder
I don’t even know what I’m looking at. I only know that it’s creepy.
Is that a cephalopod? And some jellyfish? Is it a nonfiction book about endangered marine organisms?
At first glance, I thought the parachutes were insect chrysalises. Shades of “Starship Troopers!”
I’m ready to jump, too, after looking at this. At least, we know what’s causing the extinction.
I just….. I seem to have falling into an alternate dimension cause I have not idea what that cover tell me.
What the hell ARE those things? (not that I really give a flying fig.)