YES! I kept scrolling back to look at it and I got confused.
I suppose it is actually: HOMs.Et Invasion… 😉
Naaman Brown
10 years ago
The mob kill Joan’s husband. Then they try to take her home, but they are no match for her “special set of skills” which includes levitating by hot flashes.
Question: What is a homse Invasion?
Excuse me – that’s “HOMEs.E” invasion. Punctuation matters. 😉
That’s “HOMs.E Invasion”. Spelling matters too to us true members of the Grammar Nazi Party. Ve vatch eferyone!
YES! I kept scrolling back to look at it and I got confused.
I suppose it is actually: HOMs.Et Invasion… 😉
The mob kill Joan’s husband. Then they try to take her home, but they are no match for her “special set of skills” which includes levitating by hot flashes.
The name is apparently cursed. Could not stop myself, I checked a few of the ones that have the same name on Amazon and look:
Do not use that name or your cover will be like these. You have been warned.
It looks like she is threatening to beat me with a mixer.
Get it? Beat me?