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9 years ago

Where is this Apishipa Creek and why are there no women there? Is this some parallel universe where instead of male and female people are divided by male Dom and male Sub?

9 years ago
Reply to  Catie

That sounds like the weirdest nature program ever.
“And you can tell the ‘female’ of the species from its lilac-colored locks.”

9 years ago
Reply to  Emm

Seriously, I’ve read the blurb of this one and the others in the series, I’ve even peaked inside. By the idyllic images on the covers (the flower meadow here and the green forest in the previous one) I assume this Creek is some place rural. I’ve never been to US, much less rural US, but from what I can tell, rural US doesn’t come off like the most gay-friendly environment. Even if this place is for some reason gay-friendly, how statistically probable is to have this many gay men in one place? All of them into BDSM, enough to open a BDSM club? I’ve went through the entire preview, and there’s not a single female character in there. I’m all for LGBT lit, but I’m also for passing the Bechdel test. I can only conclude that this Apishipa Creek is either a gay BDSM colony, or not on this earth.

9 years ago
Reply to  Catie

You peeked inside? Braver than I. I mean, I adore LGBT lit, but this series still seems baffling to me. I guess it’s all fantasy and that, but still, it comes off as bizarre.
I know the rural US fairly well, so if that’s where it takes place, it definitely has to be some secret gay BDSM garden. While it’s not bad as it used to be, the rural States is not exactly a welcoming gay environment either. It’s such a shame with how beautiful the countryside is, and how many bigots there are to ruin living there. 🙁
Anyway, I did read a book once describing Neptune as a plant-abundant paradise, so maybe that’s where this place is at?

9 years ago
Reply to  Emm

I don’t know why I’m still picking at this, but… I’ve googled it, and while I couldn’t find Apishipa Creek, there is an Apishapa Creek somewhere in Colorado. Could that be the secret gay BDSM paradise colony?

9 years ago
Reply to  Catie

Looks like we’ve found them out X)

9 years ago

…and Pappy don’t make good book covers either.

Candy Kong
Candy Kong
9 years ago

“You named it ‘Pappy’?”
Bahaha, I actually spat out my coffee on that one.

Take Cover
Take Cover
9 years ago
Reply to  Candy Kong

See, now I’m embarrassed. What do you guys call yours?

James F. Brown
James F. Brown
9 years ago
Reply to  Take Cover

He: I call him Waldo.

She: Where’s Waldo?

He: He’s there. Just gotta look closer.

She: OK, let me get my magnifying glass.

He: 🙁