Stranded On Earth, The Story of a Roswell Crash Survivor November 10, 2015NathanCovers6 Comments Stranded On Earth, The Story of a Roswell Crash Survivor BLARG I IZ DED ALIAN art for a refrigerator Previous postThe Autobiography of an ExtraTerrestrial Saga: I AM Thyron Next postThe Gift of Christmas
Yeah, and that rent in the ship looks like….NM.
Whoa, nice dancin’ shoes, Mr. Alien! Are those Santonis? Guccis?
Obviously *head-slap* pen name.
So if the Earth bound pseudo Bigfoot is a yetti, is an extraterrestrial an emyetti?
Just how many Roswell crash survivors are out there?
So – this appeared to me: Shapes in the clouds.
Is it a chipmunk in a fez? If so, what does it mean? Is Commander Sanni Emyetti Ceto sending me coded messages?
Or is Nathan telling me it’s time to fire up the booster rockets and get the hell out of here?
Dammit – that’s what I get for not testing the URL.
Here is the hidden message!