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Michael Waller
Michael Waller
9 years ago

I was looking for a sub-title, something like “… so your wife cannot hear you snoring afterwards”. She is wearing earplugs.
This cover actively discourages people from buying the book.

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
9 years ago

^Agreed. (See, I’m being positive.)
Disgruntled looking woman awake with ear plugs, blurry apparently sleeping man, and dis cover is s’posed to sell 20 Methods for lovemaking? Maybe this is the before photo. An after photo of a blissed out couple would be more effective.

9 years ago

If anyone ever had the “Not tonight (or any night), dear” look it’s this woman.

Dr. Zoidberg
Dr. Zoidberg
9 years ago

Ah, but it’s the random capitalization that really sells the book!

9 years ago
Reply to  Dr. Zoidberg

As do the random balls and light bulb!

Bonus: off center and meaningless gray band at the bottom!

L-Plate Pen
L-Plate Pen
9 years ago

I’ve just thought of a twenty-oneth: Make them choose – between making love or looking at this bookcover.

9 years ago

She now regrets saying, “In your dreams!”

john e. . .
9 years ago

The aspect ratio cluster-frack – is that supposed to be a non-subtle jab at the problem?