The Anatomy of Sherlock Holmes: Persuit of a Serial Killer (Sherlock Holmes Trilogy Book 2)

The Anatomy of Sherlock Holmes: Persuit of a Serial Killer (Sherlock Holmes Trilogy Book 2)

No, it’s not one of THOSE fanfics. I think.

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Johno McMoose
Johno McMoose
3 years ago

“The Anatomy of Sherlock Holmes, as Examined by Jack the Ripper”?

3 years ago
Reply to  Johno McMoose

Well, if you dig more deeply into this one, Johno, make sure you persue it closely. (sigh).

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
3 years ago

Serial Killer is a modern crime/police criminology term.
The history is described here:

Mixing Sherlock Holmes and “serial killer” — Holmes (or anyone else in his time) would not have used the term.

I hope characters in the story do not use the term “serial killer”. It would be like reading a historical novel about the 1905 Battle of Tsushima describing the Japanese and Russian battleships as Pre-Dreadnaughts, when the term was not introduced until the radical all-big-gun HMS Dreadnaught (1906) created a division in definitions of naval battleships.

3 years ago
Reply to  Naaman Brown

Oh, Naaman, you poor dear. You are obviously not indulging in the myriad Holmes pastiches. Serial killer is the least-egregious intrusion of modern thinking, terms, phrases, ideas. You haven’t lived until you encounter Woke Holmes, or Holmes-in-Love, or Gay Holmes, or, or or….it’s horrifying if you’re a traditionalist vis: Holmes & Watson.

3 years ago

I’m 90% certain those are Data and Geordie in the background.

3 years ago
Reply to  Nathan

Well, the “k” in Sherlock kind of covers up the faces, but going by the hands, yes, I think he’s right, too! Holy Ripoff, Batman!

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
3 years ago
Reply to  Jonah

Very sharp eye!

Going to the hi-res of the cover and the stills posted on IMDb for “Elementary, Dear Data” the “k” in Sherlock partially obscures Geordi La Forge’s visor but the clothes of the two figures are consistent between the book cover and the stills from the episode.

I gripe about text over faces in lousy book covers, but sometimes there are reasons for the cover up.

3 years ago
Reply to  Naaman Brown

I think I can say that Jonah has watched ST:TNG entirely too many damn times.

3 years ago
Reply to  Nathan

LOL, if I didn’t know or suspect your age before this, I’d know it fersure now. 🙂