FRANKENSTEIN by Mary Shelley (Illustrated)

FRANKENSTEIN by Mary Shelley (Illustrated)

Not with ORIGINAL illustrations, mind.

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3 years ago

Frienkenstein. This is what happens to German immigrant monsters when the the people at Ellis Island spell names.

Johno McMoose
Johno McMoose
3 years ago
Reply to  WarGoat

It’s actually “Freinkestein”, even more mangled.

3 years ago
Reply to  Johno McMoose

It’s pronounced “Franken-STEEN!”

3 years ago
Reply to  Johno McMoose

I could almost respect Freakenstein, ya know? But Frienkenstein? Gimme a break.

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
3 years ago

Look Inside! is your friend. This appears to be an e-book created from a public domain text of Frankenstein and illustrated with stills from Universal’s Frankenstein, Mel Brook’s Young Frankenstein, that don’t necessarily illustrate the text they appear with.

There are better edited and more worthy editions of Frankenstein available, but with the Gutenberg text easily downloaded if you just want to read the text, there is no real need for this at $3.66.

3 years ago
Reply to  Naaman Brown

Not to mention, I seriously doubt that Universal and whatever company produced Mel Brook’s Young Frankenstein gave permission for the use of their IP (Intellectual Property)! Although, I admit, I kinda like the Karloff image used for the (misspelt) cover.

3 years ago

Karloff deserved better.