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Ron Miller
Ron Miller
4 years ago

Write a Simple Book Review—even easier to review this cover: Zero.
Darkest Autumn—a step backward since the original cover, as bad as it was, at least hinted at the theme or idea of the book
Coveted Kiss—generic and boring…but just might have worked if someone had given more than a nanosecond’s thought to the type
Last Mutineers—I guess someone dared them to make the cover worse
Redemption Cove—Let’s put everything on the cover! Why not?
Mistaken Identity—Zero
Grifter’s Daughter—Zero
Deputy Gabby—Can’t tell from the boxed set what the individual books look like…but the box cover is a bore
Dark Knights—Same dumb idea as the first one
Sower—The artist must be a relative of the author’s because I can see no other reason for these covers

In short, no winners.

4 years ago
Reply to  Ron Miller

Redemption Cove–seriously, on the Before, I thought that was his hair.

4 years ago

Am I the only one that looks at the After cover for “Sower,” and thinks that the very next thing that guy is going to do is this?

Johno McMoose
Johno McMoose
4 years ago

At least the guy on Coveted Kiss stopped trying to kiss the woman’s neck from the inside.