New Covers For Old 2021, Day XIII

It’s the last 24 hours to weigh in on the first round of the first annual Lousies awards! Your forebears fought and died for this right! Exercise that right or they’ll haunt you!

In today’s installment of New Covers For Old 2021… some of the lateral complete do-overs really stun me. If you’re going to go to the effect of scrapping your previous cover and working from the ground up, wouldn’t you try to make the effort count by figuring out how to make a better cover this time?

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

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Ron Miller
Ron Miller
3 years ago

Siren—improvement, if any, negligible
Knights—I kind of liked the original artwork…it just had been ruined by godawful typography. The new one is pretty nice…but leaves me a little cold, uninformed and uninvolved. And the vignetting of the image was not handled well at all.
Chausiku—Not really all that much better. An absolutely incomprehensible and uninformative image with all of the type tucked into the top and bottom.
Matilda May—certainly better but just near enough a miss to make me wish that it had come a little closer
Plunder—ha ha
Refuge—certainly a big improvement! But uninspired typography…and what is that little “fantasy” tag?
Aquittal—good grief! It actually got worse…
Meat—well…I guess someone figured there was no need for anyone to be able to read any of the text on the cover…And what in the world does a stand of trees have to do with a psychopath?
Marco and Carla—Since it could hardly have gotten worse, anything would have been an improvement. The new cover might conceivably work for an adult novel, but it’s a wide miss for a YA book.

3 years ago

Forget “trying to make a good cover,” some of these didn’t even bother to correct the typos!

3 years ago

Am I the only who feels a lesbian mermaid romance novel deserves hotter tail than this? (See what I did there?)

3 years ago
Reply to  NinaJ

I’m still wondering why yon lesbian mermaid appears to have two tail fins. Yes, I too originally thought “reflection,” but if you look at it, it appears almost exactly as a two-legged woman would appear, with one leg bent and the other not. Peculiar, I say.

The last image, the one that’s not appearing on the page–that’s actually a very large improvement, graphically speaking.

3 years ago
Reply to  Nathan

Thank you, snookums. Much better and given that the poor cover was hugely improved, seems the least we could do. 🙂

Johno McMoose
Johno McMoose
3 years ago

Matilda May is a def improvement, with the kid goat actually looking as a goat rather than a cockatoo-headed dog.