Extra Point February 8, 2020NathanCovers9 Comments Extra Point Oh, is that what the kids are calling it these days? (h/t Syd) bad font choice bringing sexy back cut and paste image search gone wrong Previous postBLURB: Professionally Provocative Next postLosers: Short stories
What in the name of Dancing Moses is around that guy’s waist, in the back? (I almost said, in the rear, but I can’t see that going well here…)
I don’t think anything is around his waist. I think it’s been badly cut (faded?) out and you’re seeing part of the cave behind him.
Wow, you’re right. Now, when I look at it closely, it gives a whole new meaning to the term “caveman,” because he kinda blends into the floor of the cave and that lump below/behind him looks as though he’s growing out of it. Sheesh.
Then there is the dragon, lizard thingy whispering seductive thoughts into his ear. “Psst, you’re not wearing any pants… or legs, for that matter.”
Said dragon also blending into the cave. Hell, the only thing that’s not melting into the cave walls appears to be the koala.
Who’s probably wondering, “WTF?”
Photobombing koala!
Why is there a Koala in the middle of a cave?
This looks like dragon-koala gay shifter porn…
Annnnd that’s because it is.