Epic Quest – Director’s Cut March 28, 2019 Epic Quest – Director’s Cut “Epic.” Right. Spread the love Tags: BOO-ring, Cargo Cult Template, layout woes, om-nom-nom de plume ◀ Forged Through Fire: Developing Preparedness for the Perilous Encounter The Muse ▶ 2 Comments Oldest Newest Most Voted Inline Feedbacks View all comments Ian 5 years ago Why do they Chinese/Japanese characters on the cover. Is the guy a weeaboo? Hitch 5 years ago Apparently, “director’s cut” means, “even cheaper than the retailer version,” based on that horrible DIY Cover Creator Cover. WHY do people choose that freaking template???
Why do they Chinese/Japanese characters on the cover. Is the guy a weeaboo?
Apparently, “director’s cut” means, “even cheaper than the retailer version,” based on that horrible DIY Cover Creator Cover. WHY do people choose that freaking template???