New Covers For Old, Day XXI

Once more into the depths we dive…

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

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5 years ago

I’m not sure that “I added a vanity award medal” should be enough to get you credit for a new cover.

The Rodent
5 years ago

OMG OMG OMG! Pooooor E.E. “Doc” Smith! He got the Heinlein treatment!!! Both old and new!

5 years ago

The new cover for The Young Madonna does not have the major no-no of type-over-faces. The old cover was like a cover template was applied to art and type w/o anyone eyeballing the result.
The new cover could have the author and title more legible at internet ad sizes. At 6″x9″ book paperback size new cover is more attractive than the original.

The Clay Endures was not helped by adding medallions.
My rep at shooting matches is enhanced by others saying “did you see that”? but never by me saying “watch this”!