The Color of Cold And Ice


The Color of Cold And Ice

I’m thinking, If it’s a book that deals with art and a title that draws attention to art…

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Nicola Cuti
8 years ago

Actually, the composition of the cover is pretty good, but, it tells us NOTHING about the book itself. What’s your book about? Do you really believe any reader would ever pick up your book based on that cover? Not a chance.

8 years ago

I actually followed the link on this one because the cover gives absolutely no clue what the book is about. Apparently it’s literary fiction dealing with the angsty lives of a pile of characters, only one of which has anything to do with art.

As far as the cover execution goes, maybe with a better font it could pass as a book of poetry, but there would still need to be more of a clue that was the content. At least a subtitle. As it is, just not doing the job.

8 years ago

I kinda like it, except for the font, and it would help if it wasn’t pixelated. As for fitting the book, what do you even put on a New Age literary novel about a bunch of artsy people that wouldn’t be plain boring? It’s colorful, pretty, and draws the eye.

8 years ago

Ice? More like raindrops on a window.