New Covers For Old 2019, Day XVI

[dang, I really need to thing of something witty]

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover with a new title

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover with a revised title

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

Original Cover

Updated Cover

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5 years ago

Looks like the false “Stephen King” is no longer quite so blatantly trying to pass himself off as the original. Not by his own choice, I’m guessing. I notice the “R.” is a bit smaller than the rest of his name.

5 years ago
Reply to  Kathrite

SO the “other” Stephen King is now officially Stephen R. King?
What did it take? A visit by George Stark?

5 years ago
Reply to  Kathrite

Eh, I don’t know. The “R” probably helps him cover his legal bases, but I feel like the font that he changed to even more closely resembles the one the better known Stephen King uses.

5 years ago


5 years ago
Reply to  dtw

Kiwi Kids’ Mutant Teenagers?

5 years ago

“The Unnoticed” revision is my favorite of this lot. It went from “Boo-ring” to “OMG let’s see if we can hit ever tag on this site.” I’m counting Actual Title Please (I seriously even didn’t realize what the title was until I went to the Amazon Page), Art for a Refrigerator (done by the author at age 15 no less, something he’s apparently quite proud of), Bad Font Choice, busybusybusy, Credit where Credit is Due (again, in big letters, done at age 15), and that’s where I gave up the count.

I also notice that we’ve gone from “A Novel” to “A True Story.” I’ll leave any further speculation about that to the rest of the LBCers.

That was fabulous. Definitely my laugh for the morning.