Ruin’s Lot

Ruin’s Lot

Too easy.

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5 years ago

Yes, this is ruined a lot. Next!

5 years ago

What the hell happened to her other arm? Is that an anatomy class skeleton blended into a real person? Also if your arm suddenly develops spikes you might want to get it checked out.

5 years ago

Now, y’see, I don’t mind the graphic here. The cutout of the hair is a bit clunky, but hey ho. No, what makes me sigh is the type treatment. First, if your text has apostrophes in it, reject any font that doesn’t have a stylistically consistent apostrophe: the one in “Ruin’s” should be heavier, like the thick strokes in the letters, and the one in “REAPER’S” is a straight, typewriter one and badly spaced. Second, if your initials spell a word, either put dots between them or set your surname NOT in all caps. (Also, is it me or is there more space between JOH and NSON than between the other letters?)