The worst thing about erotica “writers” on Smashmouth is that they not only plagiarize incompetently, but plagiarize incompetently from other incompetent plagiarizers. Here’s a brief list of other examples of people who’ve used this picture:
“Does this squashed aspect make my butt look big?”
10 years ago
I understand the squished images (sort of), but why is the yellow star shape thingy and the writing on it squished? They don’t have to fit in any particular space, they didn’t need to be squished. So why are they squished?
The worst thing about erotica “writers” on Smashmouth is that they not only plagiarize incompetently, but plagiarize incompetently from other incompetent plagiarizers. Here’s a brief list of other examples of people who’ve used this picture:,qsrc=,_images,_boeken,_9789056379919.jpg,awidth=200,ano-image=,_images,_no-image-Lemniscaat,P20NL.jpg.pagespeed.ic.euM7cCT4yg.jpg
I like the one that’s an animated GIF with falling hearts. (Not.)
The first one I looked at.
I’ll just go throw up now.
Dang. Those two get around!
“Does this squashed aspect make my butt look big?”
I understand the squished images (sort of), but why is the yellow star shape thingy and the writing on it squished? They don’t have to fit in any particular space, they didn’t need to be squished. So why are they squished?