Spoiled Little Princess Wears a Rat May 30, 2017NathanCovers13 Comments Spoiled Little Princess Wears a Rat And it’s a picture book, so the whole thing looks like this. art for a refrigerator bad font choice four of five dentists agree Previous postHer Discipline Next postBabylon Working
“Award” means “Participation Trophy” of course…
From the Rhode Island Society for Special Literary Excellence?
Helen Keller would love this book. Others, including kids? Probably not so much.
(And I have a hard time believing that a parent or other adult would buy this book for a child.)
I can easily believe that a parent or adult who wanted to send a message to a spoiled little princess might buy this book for the child.
but the joke was on them when it turned out the spoiled little princess loves rats
(i mean, i do)
Everyone should. They’re like miniature dogs.
Hell, the size of some of these pocketbook dogs that people are using as fashion accessories (shame on them!), they’re like larger dogs, eh?
I also love rats. And despite the, uh, peculiar cover choices, the rat is probably the best part on this lol.
Good artists can create simple but engaging art for children. Bad artist just create boring art for everyone.
Well, frankly, I have to give the author full points for the best title I’ve seen this year.
it is a great title!
unfortunately, it only goes downhill from there. and by that i mean it falls off of a cliff. on mars.
it fell off of olympus mons, is how far down it went.
Spoiled Little Princess wears a rat…. Yeah, but, how does the rat feel about it? What’d he do, to deserve that punishment? Poor varmint.