The Peking Incident August 31, 2014NathanCovers8 Comments The Peking Incident You wrote a 395,000-word novel (!!!), and this is the best you could do for a cover? aspect ratio bulletin board layout image search gone wrong readability Previous postCuba Is Not the Second China! Next postAltered World: A Girl Named Trouble
Why does the title look like
Jhe Deking jncident
I (barely) saw Neking Vncident.
Ah, but Nathan, maybe after wearing himself out on a 395K word novel, he wore himself out on coming up with an awesome cover!
What is that microscopic text in the top left?
It appears to be the photo ID for MacArthur’s pic. Cripes.
Photobombing cauliflower.
This is some strange imagery for a book about voyeurism.