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10 years ago

Those are drag queen eyelashes. Is this a book about drag queens, because that might be interesting. Needs more clues if that’s the case.

10 years ago

Use only the picture of the model (WITHOUT the mile-long lashes), spruce up the fonts, and you might have a decent cover.

10 years ago
Reply to  L.

Had similar thoughts myself. I like the pic of the “woman” whether a drag queen or real queen. Lose the fancy palace gate and building (looks like a DC gov. building more than a palace, anyway). I like the title design and the font (needs to be moved though) but the author’s name needs a boost.

10 years ago
Reply to  Sirona

I’m pretty sure that’s Buckingham Palace, actually. So it is a real palace. Not the best shot of it though, by any means.

10 years ago
Reply to  Ana

Those appear to be the gates at Buckingham but not sure about the building–haven’t looked it up to check out the detail and don’t recall enough from our visit loooong ago. Thing is the palace’s set well back from the gates and here things are very close, so this has been composited somehow, even if that’s the real palace. Looks funky.

Matt Nelson
10 years ago

I thought at first the building had an image of fire superimposed over it. Took me a minute to see the woman for some reason.

Either way, it’s not any help.

10 years ago
Reply to  Matt Nelson

I had the same problem, too.

10 years ago

Cover looks better in thumbnail–woman stands out more against the gook in the background. Also the story sounds interesting and it’s got rave reviews. I wasn’t overly impressed with the first page but didn’t read deeper into the sample. Might go back though.