I’m thinking this is actually two novels, like those old Ace Double paperbacks. The first one is a Dan-Brown-esque mystery thriller, and the second (titled “JC Ryan”) is a feel-good romantic comedy. Yay! Something for everyone!
10 years ago
It appears she’s missing a slice of her right arm.
…why wouldn’t you just use the top image?! Everything else looks fine! I mean, I understand that you might be concerned about the desert below looking like empty space, but you can just make your name bigger.. Argh! Is there a “So Close” tag? I feel like it would be appropriate here.
Looks like human history is gonna be…wait…HISTORY is about to change forever? Huh? Well, judging by these two, it’s gonna be tranquil and young and damn good looking. Mani-pedis for everyone!
10 years ago
They seem to be smiling up at a floating pyramid.
James F. Brown
10 years ago
Nothing says “Thriller” like a hot babe with a megawatt smile. Yeah…
I’m thinking this is actually two novels, like those old Ace Double paperbacks. The first one is a Dan-Brown-esque mystery thriller, and the second (titled “JC Ryan”) is a feel-good romantic comedy. Yay! Something for everyone!
It appears she’s missing a slice of her right arm.
…why wouldn’t you just use the top image?! Everything else looks fine! I mean, I understand that you might be concerned about the desert below looking like empty space, but you can just make your name bigger.. Argh! Is there a “So Close” tag? I feel like it would be appropriate here.
I second the need for a “So close” tag. Or a “missed it by that much” tag.
Maybe it could be called “Horseshoes and Hand Grenades” since we’re actually likely to see those two things together on a LBC. 😉
Human history is about to change FOREVER…but we just saved 15% on our car insurance!
Looks like human history is gonna be…wait…HISTORY is about to change forever? Huh? Well, judging by these two, it’s gonna be tranquil and young and damn good looking. Mani-pedis for everyone!
They seem to be smiling up at a floating pyramid.
Nothing says “Thriller” like a hot babe with a megawatt smile. Yeah…
MODELS: “Human History is about to change… forever? OMG, cool!”