Yet another special snowflake has decided that “bully” means “anyone who don’t think I or my kids are wonderful and above criticism.” Worse, said snowflake thinks that some kind of moral victory has been won. Decide for yourself.
Yet another special snowflake has decided that “bully” means “anyone who don’t think I or my kids are wonderful and above criticism.” Worse, said snowflake thinks that some kind of moral victory has been won. Decide for yourself.
Nathan, all I gotta say is “Bully for you!” (and I mean that in the adjectival sense – for people who have no idea what I’m talking about.)
I think we should start every comment with, “Unless your daughter drew this . . .”
Personally, I found Mam 1087’s poor grasp of English an assault. Nathan, PLEASE! Protect me.
You all need to Check Your Privilege and create a Safe Space for these sensitive souls.
You know what this reminds me of? When I was about nine years old and got invited to a birthday party of a ‘popular’ girl I barely knew, and a bunch of girls (me included) only came out of politeness (and to eat cake).
Then her mother showed us her ‘amazing’ drawings and her ‘breathtaking’ plasteline sculptures and told us all ‘the clever and funny things her little angel said’ …
It went on for ages. We just stood there, dumbly smiling and nodding. Out of politeness. Then a girl dared – “I draw really good too, my daddy teaches me.” The mother called her parents to take her away because she was ‘ruining her daughter’s birthday party’.
This ridiculous incident aside, a person can’t grow without criticism. And IF they feel the criticism is unjustified – that’s because people are assholes and you have to teach your kids to have a thick skin or else you’re willingly throwing them to the lions.
BUT THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO THIS PARTICULAR CASE. Published work will always be a subject to criticism – constructive or not – as it SHOULD be. People pay money for it, as an author you put it in circulation because you WANT to be a writer and WANT to receive money for your hard work (don’t even try to deny this has nothing to do with money. It’s okay! It’s okay to sell your work, don’t be all high-and-mighty!).
Publishing your e-book on Amazon, alongside professional books and self-published e-books with covers done by paid professionals, with a cover done by your daughters (if I read correctly) … well, of course people will comment on it. How many buyers on Amazon know your daughters personally? How many of them care who drew it?
This is NOT a bad critic of your cover:
“I don’t like the cover. The author should put more thought into it.”
This IS a bad critic:
“LOL WTF period on hair lol lol!!!11111”
The first one is an opinion of someone whose taste differs from yours. The second one is best to roll your eyes at and ignore it. You don’t expect everyone in the world to like the same things as you. Do you invite someone over and they say: “Your house is lovely, I’m not too keen on light blue walls, though,” and you flip the table, scalp the bitch and pour hot tea in their nostrils until they apologize? I hope not.
I got carried away. Personally, I don’t like the cover, but the book description sounded good, until I read the author’s comments on this site. It’s not really the cover that drove me away from the book, huh? Who made me not want to read the book – this site which does free publicity and only criticizes the covers (not the content!) or the author with her ‘charming’ response? People DO and WILL judge your book by its cover … or by the author.
What kind of Borg are you? Please stop with the reasonable, constructive, and thoughtful comments.
That is what the site is for.
More table flipping!! More scalping!! More hot tea!!
[Really – thanks for this.]
Giggle. The author just criticised my use of a split infinitive in my comment on the original post. I’m in heaven! lol If bitching the frenchie’s use of english makes him happy, rock on, man. I believe it says more about him than it does about me.
Ok Maybe it was mean of me to tell him his profile picture on Amazon was creepy. But seriously? It IS creepy. Worthy of a horror writer, but his target is YA girls. And as it is part of the whole marketing package, I really thought he should know.
Thanks, Nathan. You’ve made my day. 😉
That rule has gone the way of the dodo, it’s no longer valid. The language is constantly changing.
I don’t know how many people have been following the thread over there, but it has turned into a very polite and helpful discussion for the author. Kudos to him for stepping in!
The indignant mama bear, on the other hand, is completely CLUELESS and has gone silent. Another good thing.
Sorry to burst your temporary bubble of relief Kris, but she hasn’t. If anything she is getting worse.