War of the Druid King June 8, 2014NathanCovers12 Comments War of the Druid King This is the second book of the series. The first book cover had one sword. I’ll bet there are three swords on Book #3. BOO-ring cut and paste font boredom Previous postMark of the Lash Next postWolves Among Men
The cover is too simple. Not often that happens.
Shiny, fancy broadswords. C’mon. Really? I’m a Celtophile and there ain’t nothing Druid about this. And if he puts thiese swords on the cover of a book about Druids, I quickly assume it’s as inaccurate on the inside. Fail.
A very valid point, and one I had not considered.
Ha!! Really really good point!
But…these swords are pointless!
+1 Awesome Point for you!
Love it.
I agree. Wrong “props” on the cover = badly researched book. I’d bet on it.
Also, the sword on the right is Aragorn’s sword from Return of the King.
So, copyright infringement as well.
Other problems aside–this might have been saved by any other font than Times.
Well, not papyrus or comic sans. Wingdings would at least make it interesting. 🙂
And could we get more boring than a flat white background?
You know what I suspedct? This author was so scared of ending up here that he tried too much. It’s like a lousy book cover in reverse. 😉