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8 years ago

How can a best-selling author write a book with such a lousy cover and title?
And what is “A Kathy Classic”?

If you love good writing, set yourself free from having to look at this lousy cover.

8 years ago
Reply to  David

From amazon: “This book was previously published several years ago and has gotten new life as an eBook.”

I think that some of these are books that are out of print and the rights for which have reverted to the author. The author then self-publishes them trading generally on name recognition for marketing.

Now, how someone with many years in publishing can have so little idea of what a cover should look like, I have no idea.

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
8 years ago
Reply to  Kate

I suspect that authors self-publishing out-of-print titles seem to expect name and title recognition among their fan base will sell the title, the heck with quality covers, they’re just doing a favor to fans who demand release of their o.p. backlist titles. But I think they are not winning new fans by skimping on covers.

8 years ago

Um, am I the only one who thinks this might deserve a “bringing sexy back” tag as well?

8 years ago

Not to mention–the title is just so original.