Signed Confessions May 28, 2014NathanCovers12 Comments Signed Confessions Brings tears to my eyes, too. MS Paint reborn! Previous postThe Moonlight Monsters Detective Agency Volume One Next postThe Cartographer 1492
First confession: I never took an art class. Can you believe it? I totally rocked this cover thing, dude!
Second Confession: I totes stole this levitating chair thing from Professor X!
Third Confession: The floating noose is for my cat.
Fourth Confession: This isn’t sweat all over me… I just finished posing for a ‘Bringing Sexy Back’ cover with a oiled up werewolf torso and it got… excited all over my face.
Confession number the fifth: This isn’t really a desk – it is a giant Dorito chip.
True dat #6: I gave my left arm for this cover. Such a deal!
I confess, that after designing this cover, I deserve to be hung.
I confess it looks painful for this guy to write with a giant hand that has nubs for fingers.
Probably hard for him to see to write since he appears to have poked himself in the eyes with that blue marker.
“Signed Confessions” is actually a pretty clever title for a collection of short stories — which somehow makes this cover all the more painful…
Yes. Agree.