Crazy Little Man Called Love (Apishipa Creek Chronicles Book 4)
What are the warning signs of an unhealthy relationship? Well…
Crazy Little Man Called Love (Apishipa Creek Chronicles Book 4)
What are the warning signs of an unhealthy relationship? Well…
Love Me or Kill Me (The Cable Denning Mystery Series Book 2)
I probably wouldn’t bother posting this if it weren’t for that huge floating eye…
Proximity: Children of the Red Sun
“On second thought, maybe that font ISN’T the solution to everything.”
Save Your Life with the Power of pH Balance: Becoming pH Balanced in an Unbalanced World
I never thought of pH balance as having any Zen-like significance, but…
Frack off: Trouble in the High Country and the Kimberley
Sometimes it’s hard to decide. Here’s the Amazon description:
You need to read this book because:
•It will tell you about fracking and lock-the-gate against coal seam gas
•You will meet alternative lifestyles – lesbian and trans
•There is a mystery as well as civil disobedience
•You will travel to Broome in the WA tropics.
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