Learn How to Successfully Flip Real Estate for a BIG Profit!
“Billionairs.” (Also, 22 pages for $9.99.)
Learn How to Successfully Flip Real Estate for a BIG Profit!
“Billionairs.” (Also, 22 pages for $9.99.)
Staying Strong: A Resource Book For Instructors on How to be Successful in the Classroom
Submitter Curtis also provided this informative transcript:
Okay! Congratulations, everybody! We wrote a great, informative book together! Now for the big decision–what do we put on the cover?
Well, we could try… yeah, Karen?
A big orange square? Well, that’s one way to go, but I think if we brainstorm we can find something that tells people what kind of book this is? You know, like a kid lifting weights? That would be cute?
I know, Karen. I heard you. Big orange square. I just don’t think that really tells people…
Yeah, I know, we could put a big orange square there, Karen, but I’d like to sell this book, and big orange squares just…
Karen, look. I know you’re advocating for the big orange square. And I hear you. Okay? YOU ARE HEARD. BIG ORANGE SQUARE. Now does anyone else have any…
Thank you, Karen. Thank you.
Yes. You’ve said that. Big. Orange. Square.
I just think that, maybe, there are other people who want to be heard. Jerry? Martha? Come on. One idea here.
I get that no one likes arguing with Karen, but COME ON PEOPLE. We can’t put this book out with nothing but a big orange square on it.
Well, we could, Karen, but then we would have worked on this excellent educational collaboration FOR MONTHS and all we had was a book with a BIG ORANGE SQUARE on it. Let’s think out of the box! So to speak.
Come on. Anyone. One big idea. Do NOT be afraid of Karen. She doesn’t get to make the decision on her own. If we all work together and stand up to her, then…
Yeah. Okay. Big orange square it is. But one day, you will look back on this, and realize that…
Yeah. Big. Orange Square.
Karen, it’s not helpful to do that.
This is one of those cover concepts that should have stopped seeming like a good idea as soon as they tried to realize it.